Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where do you belong?

Generation X
Generation Y
Generation Z
our rug-rats born since 1998
Brought up by a bunch of would-be hippies, they swung the other way and tended to a more detached view of the world.
These are today's teens and 20s. Among them is a recklessness that has caused all the King Street and 2am lock-out troubles.
They have entered a world of information overload, bombarded day and night.

Their influences were MTV, small families, AIDS and higher education than their parents. Sex had been liberated by the sexual revolution and they were not inclined to commitment.

If you think they come from another planet, you're right. Computers were mother's milk, the internet opened up the world, mobile phones and SMS can pull them into temporary groups.
Family is a loose definition to them - so many of their school friends come from single or same-sex families. The parents are older and comfortably affluent, but with big financial commitments.
So only now are we seeing them start to marry, in their 30s and far later than any generation before them. Many have only recently left home.
So a few text messages can cause a rave party of thousands to mushroom - or a riot to ignite
Everybody rushes to work and school in the morning and home at night.
It can also cause viral marketing to blaze around the world in hours.
The family works as a unit and relates on an adult level. It's like no one has time or space for a childhood.
Living at home, Gen Y'ers get to keep any money they make and spend it on what they want.


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