Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Alfabetização, novas alfabetizações e alfabetização digital

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: This is a presentation based on the chapter "Alfabetização, novas alfabetizações e alfabetização digital" of the book "Psicologia da Educação Virtual" from the authors Coll and Monero. This review show us how we are dealing with transformations in our society which are leading us to a society of information. Also, we present new tools of the process of learning and teaching, we discuss about literacy, new literacies and multi literacies as well as we present the dimensions of digital literacy. in order to understand the impact of the information and communication technologies (TCIs) in the present scenario of Education.

Atoms and Bits

Based on the text New Literacies - Changing knowledge and classroom learning from Lankshear and Knobel we build a map in which we summarize chapter 3: Atoms and Bits: Literacy and the Challenge of Mindsets.

Interesting sites....

When we were surfing in internet our last class we have found some interesting communities and sites for English Teachers. There are a lot of interesting materials and information that we think it is worth to share with you. So, please we hope you enjoy….

It is a learning community with information about organizacional learning, learning communities and interesting links like:

EPals Community – Where learners connect – is a  leading provider of safe collaborative technology for schools to connect and learn in a protected, project-based learning network. With classrooms in 200 countries and territories, ePals makes it easy to connect learners locally, nationally or internationally.
This community is dedicated to all the people interested in  learning a little more about English and change information about it.

The aim of this site is to share with teachers, students and any kind of people information and material that may be helpful. The site has many links organized by Languages, suggestions of books and many interesting materials.

British Council Language Teaching English is design for teachers of English in ELT Online Community. On this site we can check out the latest news related to teaching English in Brazil and also the events of the teachers' associations in different regions of the country. They also offer support materials and tips to help us in planning lessons.

A vision of students today

The video “A vision of students today” was produced by a group of 200 students from Kansas State University and shows that all the information that is taught to learners is not updated and relevant to the new virtual reality in which they live. Nowadays students are much more interested in chatting online, listening to music, talking on the phone, sleeping, and working than studying because the traditional learning doesn’t attract student’s attention and interests anymore. Teachers have to plan the classes in order to motivate the new generation of students to keep studying as learners used to do in the past. It is a challenge, but not an impossible task. All teachers have to do is to give the new generation a try and make use of the plenty of applications offered by the technology.

We all want to be young

The video "We all want to be young" shows the changes achieved by young people initiated by Baby Boomers who have freed themselves in the 40s and 50s. Next, we have the generation X who enjoys the freedom achieved by the previous generation. Ending with the millennial generation that goes beyond freedom. All those changes have a consequence, that is, the excess of information and possibilities are making this new generation have chronic anxiety because they want to access everything at the same time without knowing what it is the best for them. They cannot concentrate only on one task; they are losing focus on life. Consequently, most of them do not have their own opinion about life in general. Even with this kind of behavior, they are the new catalizadores or vanguardistas of major changes and teachers need to adapt themselves to this new generation in order not to lose their jobs in the future.